For my new jobs I have to wear all black, all nice!!! So I have these great shoes that will be great for it. But in order to keep them nice I should wear hose and stuff. I have a nice black dress but it has got tears in in that I will have to sew up by hand. Then I have to make sure I have enough nice black and dark things! :-) !! Anyways I was so nervous coming in there today, It could have something to do with the fact that I took my medicine late today and I had lllooottsss of coffee- 2 cups drip and 1 tall peppermint mocha. omg. I am just buzzing around and then every so often I get this sort of physical panic attack because my chemistry is out of balance because of the lexapro and the withdrawl of it!!
It would be really nice to work at L'Occitane! It is so pretty there and Sossity is there and it's fun and I like it and then it's really nice that I would get to work. I may have to choose between it and Macy's - I would choose it!! I told her that I would only probably choose it but I really meant that I would!!! i WOULD! anyway... ONly a few months anyway. Then I will go back to Berkeley!!! it will be fun to go back again! I have been so bored and listless that now everything - even the dull and tiring things seem fun!!! like stocking - well i always thought that would be fun. especially in a pretty boutique called L'occitane. I hope they like me and think that I would be a good addition!! I would be! I am smart and I am also cheerful and enthusiastic to work. I love the products so I would make a good salesperson for it since I love it myself!
1. Buy hosiery
2. Sew up tear in dress while David plays his games.
3. Go through clothes and see if I need more black nice clothes!
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