Sunday, January 16, 2011

So I have this apparently common dream where I am to go to a class and take a final or I am failing and I am supposed to do the homework so I can get better or get help for it, I Haven't shown up for the class. it's always math or english class.

Then there was a part where I was naked but then some fat person let me borrow their clothes and it looked great on me, fit great and people were impressed by my looks then...and I didn't look fat in the clothes I actually looked thinner.

Recently these dreams have been reoccuring, I suppose since it is getting closer to when I go back to school. But I won't be taking a math or english class at all.

other dreams I have had similar to this are where I can't find the class at all. or remember which one I was supposed to be taking and I walk into another class that is much more amazing and wish I had signed up for it instead.

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