Friday, August 5, 2011


You know it's funny that most my dad's remarks bring about this mental response in us (my family): "what an asshole." Yet in some ways he has brought so much to my life in the past - all the exciting adventures we went on and his excitement generally and his existment and enthusiasm about the things that I did. But on the other side of the coin - he is extremely judgemental and not even in a very accurate or helpful way. His judgements seek to condemn. I was just telling my mom when she had sat down to rest after a long day of hard work cleaning up the house for a bit that rest makes productivity. And he interjected a rude remark - "don't you talk about rest" as if I have taken too much, which in a way is true but the fact of the matter is he is still a jerk and I was not talking about that - I was talking about mom. I have been working all day though as well, cleaning the bathroom and my room. Yes I have had a problem with my room having chronic organizational issues. But he acts as though I have accomplished nothing else and his judgment is so condemning.

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